Welcome to Horizon Europe Cluster 3 Info-day and Brokerage Event


This event will be organized in hybrid form. On site, 12-13.06.2024 in Brussels (Belgium) with live stream of whole day 1 (12.06) and morning SEREN5 stakeholder session on day 2 (13.06). 

Live stream link for day two (morning session only) 13.06:

Live stream link for day one 12.06: 

Pitch presentation session and bilateral brokerage meetings (day 2 13.06) will only be available for those attending onsite event in Brussels.
Once your SeReMa community platform account has been validated, go to your profile, choose sessions from the event agenda and desired form you wish to attend: online or onsite.
Be reminded that onsite event in Brussels can accommodate only 180 people.

The venue of the event is the following: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Av. du Boulevard 17, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium

This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2024 calls for proposals in Cluster 3. Participants will also have the possibility to join a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of the 2024 Cluster 3 calls. The matchmaking event will give participants the opportunity to join pre-arranged meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon Europe project consortia. Call topics included in the matchmaking system come from the official Cluster 3 Work Programme.

Researchers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders actively looking for project partners, can submit their project ideas for a flash pitch presentation session, that will take place before bilateral meetings.

Participation in the event is free of charge!

The Horizon Europe "Civil Security for Society" calls offer research and innovation funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and other security stakeholders. Call 2024 destinations addressed by the event:

- Fighting Crime and Terrorism
- Border Management
- Resilient Infrastructure
- Increased Cybersecurity
- Disaster-Resilient Society
- Support to Security Research and Innovation

Why participate?

- Present, discuss and develop new project ideas at international level
- Acquire new cross-border contacts and initiate collaborations
- Facilitate the setup of quality partnerships in view of the open Horizon Europe calls
- Immerse in networking and consortium building opportunities

How can you benefit from this event?

- Get fresh and up-to-date information about 2024 calls for proposals
- Publish and showcase your project idea in our dedicated flash presentation session
- Discuss your proposal with experienced evaluators and gain valuable feedback in our Project Idea Check
- Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled meetings at the event
- Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way

The event is organized by the Network of Security National Contact Points – SEREN5, in close cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs and the European Research Executive Agency.

Organised by
Participants 790
Meetings 225
Türkiye 150
Spain 143
Belgium 132
France 130
Italy 123
Germany 87
Greece 69
United Kingdom 67
Poland 49
Czech Republic 42
Israel 38
Portugal 36
Netherlands 35
Norway 28
Slovakia 27
Romania 26
Cyprus 26
Estonia 20
Lithuania 18
Bulgaria 18
Austria 16
Ukraine 16
Slovenia 14
Finland 14
Ireland 14
Croatia 13
Switzerland 13
Georgia 12
Canada 12
Hungary 12
Latvia 11
Sweden 9
New Zealand 7
Denmark 6
Bosnia And Herzegovina 5
Luxembourg 5
North Macedonia 4
Albania 4
Malta 4
Japan 2
Armenia 2
Ecuador 2
United States 2
Iceland 2
Argentina 2
South Korea 1
Thailand 1
India 1
Kazakhstan 1
Montenegro 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Tunisia 1
Chile 1
Total 1475
University 352
SME 321
Research Organisation 282
Large Company 122
Other 108
Public Body 104
Start-Up 62
International Organisation 40
Ministry 28
Law Enforcement Agency 27
First Responder 19
End-User 10
Total 1475